Ohmagoodness. dont u all miss e relentless blogger?
AH cant wait cant wait to be back! so close (haha shuqi movie) yet so far. u know how e anticipation is excruciatingly heightened when it coincides with another happy event as well. like how end of exams= going back= xmas. make that 3 things.
OKAY. confirmed details: flight is on e 18th 1 pm. so il arrive in sg on e 2oth? dunno what time.OOH AHH 2 more finals to go. meeting june lee on friday. june lee is e v hot korean guy. AHHH i got a v big fear he is not who he claims to be AHHH we shall see on friday
according to calculations it is almost 1 pm there now haha so of course no one is online.
can i please blog abt boring details here? who am i kidding. of course i can. omg hope i dont screw up pol sci. cis shld be fine. but i havent been studying it cos been bloody focusing on pol sci. ANW can i tell u all i actually wrote a program.ok yes most of it copied from e book i just changed e amts n names BUT hello for me it is leap equivalent to humans managing to live on jupiter. AHAHA. am i a genius or WAT.
oooh ahhh errrhhh haha ah lau will be back too! weehee then we can all gather together and have a mass orgy! haha and i realised e word mass is redundant.
EH wat are ur plans for xmas! do u guys have to spend it with ur family?? pls blog answers here thanks
WOW today i pigged out big time at taco bell bloody taco bell sell cheap delicious food at e expense of underpaid illegal immigrants haha eeeps aiya i wont bother to censor.la what are e chances they find thisblog. but okay e point i wanted to make was.... everytime i eat there all i nd to do is wait half an hr then i get a mother sickening stomachache which really nauseates me to e core. then all u nd to do is give me 3 days n il be back at taco bell munching away.
ok anw my look-at-pple-but-pretend-im-not-looking skills MAJORLY suck. omg when i do actually attempt agst my better judgment to do so--> e moment i glance at e person is e moment he/she looks up from whatever he/she is doing. e timing baby gotta work on e TIMING. and then i also dunno how long to look so i end up staring. or blushing. which are equally bad unless i do both tgt which is even worse. and then and then i try n pretend i wasn looking in e first place so i look at e side and pretend im looking at a butterfly. haha BUT im e library u see. and then e person just shrugs. if im lucky it stops there but most of e time he/she shoots me disgusted/scared looks. ahahha as if i can do anything. so today my friend was like eh eh e pretty librarian is here! then i turn ard v slowly which i thought was v smart of me bcos like i attract more attention if i make sudden jerky movements. ahaha then when i finally finished turning i found out she was looking in my direction so we ended up locking eyes. HAHA so much for trying to be subtle. IT DID NOT HELP that when tt happened my friend whacked me on e back of my head. helo u are not v subtle urself can u dont scold me
eh actually i like blogging late at night leh but only if i know e next day i dont have to wake up early. OOO tmr ah lau is gg to white house n pentagon. he asked me if i wanted him to get me anything -_- oh yes 2 nuclear missiles please im sure it wld be no problem -_- he is really v retarded HAHA. but in an adorable way of course.
babies im really sorry i know i promised pics of e korean guy but he CLAIMS his comp isn working so he cannot send pic -_- he is really starting to snd v loser and stupid. I LIKE. ok no i dont. e.g. he doesn know where he goes to sch. ok yes he knows e name but he doesn know where it is. oh yes his mum drives him to sch tts why. n i ask him does he live downtown he says he lives in LA -_- helo downtown is in LA! hahah
and hes been here for 2 yrs liao i am really starting to wonder abt his intelligence.ok that was v mean cos hes really v nice are all koreans liddat. my friend says they are all wife beaters in disguise. but hes really v v v v polite and considerate and sometimes its nice to talk to someone whos english isnt good and then u can just be straightforward and not nuancify anything if u know what im talking abt.
ok see this u will all flip
Exterior Color:
OHMAGAD mazda rx8 for less than 20k and it is barely used. hahah e owner is either mad or mother desperate for moolah. orlike my friend practically puts it: e car was in an accident before and itslike wateva u call it is damaged so if u get into an accident in it again ul prob die. wow so encouraging. must go check it out properly man. and then right! i got v excited cos i learnt alot of automobile terms like mpg!miles per gallon to see how much gas i can save in e long run. AIYA why must there be a cost/ appearance trade -off. e ugly cars all have gdmpg and e luxury ones all guzzle gas like no ones business. ok fine i know my generalisation v noob and like yes who didnt realise this years ago but yeah ppl really shld manufacture nice looking cars that do not guzzle gas laaaa (and are cheap). i bet ul make a lot of money. cater to financially challenged but shallow college kids like me oh ho ok now i know why no one maufactures cars like that. simply bcos we do not make a big enough segment of e population to significantly increase sales anw. helo my business courses are paying off dad ur not wasting ur $$$ dont worry.
helo can i go to slp now i know u guys enjoy reading my blog entries but imreally slpy. okay bye!