hahahaha ching ! lub chewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww MUACKS MUACKS MUACKS
do u know the ai wo bie zou links to baidu!?! -_- HAHA
today was great ppl!
i didnt even realise how much i missed the berkeley peeps but i do!
so i woke up at 6.30 am checked in bla bla boarded the plane and transited at seoul!
bird prob already knows this but they have ROTATING TOILET COVERS
so u dont have to like wipe the seat clean or squat over it like an idiot
anw i found that veryyyy cool
touched down in sf 12.30sf time took a cab home and...
spotted my roommate walking down the street! which was v good for me cos i didnt have to wait downstairs for my key
so anw for those who dont know i have 2 roommates jen and crystal
crystal's bf terence was also here he's rlly funny he talks crap all the time
and then virginie came over! my BFF haha felt kinda guilty cos i hadnt spoken to her the entire time i was back in singapore but it was good catching up and everything..got the dirt on her baby bro's new gf who's 30 cm shorter than he is, which is really rather strangely like how my bro's gf is 30cm shorter than he is
napped from 3.30-7.30 then went for dimsum with michelle, mike, chris
and i think we had enough leftovers to feed 4 homeless ppl but no one wanted to bring any home omg we're such wasters
and then chatted with the bff till now!
surprisingly not that tired but the bed still looks good esp since its right behind me
OH and it is AWESOME having ur own room I LOVE IT
i can actually start learning to cook now i have my own kitchen
i dont have to share a bathroom with 30 other girls
and i get my own TV woohoo! get to decorate, get this nice comfy couch, lots of space etc etc