why globalisation is good?
hello friends
thought this article was interesting, since we hv always been hearing how shitty globalisation is to the poor, and how it marginalises the poor and how globalisation is transnationalism blah blah. actually that's mostly what i heard cos my gp teacher felt that way. and i can't really remember now. i just don't like the image of a child freezing to death. while paris hilton wears mini skirts during winter with a fur coat to party.
why globalisation is good
just for a read pretty general. doesn't really dui zhuang or oppose directly what we've been reading. hahah found it cos it was on the mckinsey website. i'm working at mckinsey & co btw. good money heavenly pantry.
i think globalization is good in general but there will always be some segments of the pop who are marginalized
2:35 PM
yeah! go glob! i painted my nails pink and white.as in each nail is pink and white and they are separated by a diagonal line down the middle of the nail
9:32 AM
WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH GLOBALIZATION ? haha ching i havent called you yet
9:57 PM
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