Wednesday, April 23, 2008

hey babes, so now that iv regained some of my sanity
after stressing out about my econ prob set ytd, i shall blog properly, or at least as properly as i can on zero hours of sleep
econ prob sets are the bane of my life really but im so glad for buddies who help out and keep me awake and take me on random supper trips and send me funny videos to watch and even those who fall aslp while taking "breaks"
i think the one thing iv learned while im here is to take things slow, savor life more. it used to be all about achieve, achieve, achieve esp in tt sporean culture of ours..or maybe just the way i was raised..altho i still think certain things are a waste of i being too vague? aiya whatev

so anw. i need a job. or rather an internship. which will then lead me to my job so i can find a company to sponsor me so i can stay in the US for more than a yr after i graduate. gar i hate all this visa shit..
anw iv been saying i need a job the past 3 mths but have not done anything to change current status haha. i think i'll just end up being one of the bums aroung berkeley since theyre so tolerated here


Blogger Unknown said...

gloria i totally understand your vagueness because it's a vagueness i'm experiencing too!
i'm like this hardcore city girl but here i am - at the other end of the campus, sitting at a library to study just because i want to get the best view of the lake and watch sailboats as i study for org chem.

it's that funny combi of studying hard but relaxing at the same time haha.

1:11 PM

Blogger ling said...

internships are v impt. but the hardest part is getting a good internship.

5:44 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

there's no such thing as a gd internship all you do is photocopy and staple paper.

there are only branded internships and un-branded ones :)

1:32 AM


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