Sunday, November 04, 2007

Winter Bitching.

Ok seriously it is ridiculous how cold my room is. Like hello it's 7C outside, and you're not turning the heaters on yet?!?! WHYY!!! I tried telling the housefellow on my floor but apparently the housefellow who has the thermostat (I assume that's the thingy that turns the heater on) is OUT OF TOWN OVER THE WEEKEND. Seriously? Omg. And it doesn't help that not everyone is freezing. Only people on my side of the hallway are freezing. Everyone across the hall has warm stuffy rooms!

Yesterday when I heard the microwave in Timmie's room go off I wanted to throw myself in there. Ahh it's driving me NUTSS...

And now we have daylight saving. So apparently I have to turn the clock back by an hour, because winter makes days end earlier. I'm very confused. I have an exam tomorrow and if my teacher hadn't sent an email out telling me about it I'm pretty sure I would have missed it. Knn wtf does this country have winter?! So fucking problematic. jfaosrihbnkfj;xn'IRGFJU;FDNGDF;

And my roommate googled my symptoms of cold hand and cold feet and apparently there's a disease that affects your circulation... and I may have that!!! Ahhh whyyy whyyy is it the person who has bad circulation and blue toes that has the coldass room WHYYYY...

Wo de ming hao ku :(

I'm just waiting for my roomie to wake up now so I can go grab waffles from dining hall. It's sooo cold in my dorm I'm probably going there to study today. Pfft.


Blogger ling said...

u explained the mystery. OMGG i always wondered why sometimes yall are 15 hours behind sometimes 13 V GOOD V GOOD. PLEASE DON'T GET FROSTBITE IT WILL BE V SAD TO GET IT WHEN YU AREN'T EVEN ON MOUNT EVEREST.

6:14 AM


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