Hello my babies thankew for those who wished me happy birthday, but charlotte already let slip that it's coz friendster reminded u all. actually i bet it's only one person remembered den happen to tell someone who happened to tell someone else RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT haha nvm it's okay why liddat ppl why liddat
anw anw if you're bored of studying or just think that you already getting 4 A's like i'm sure wendy is please go and read http://gssq.entori.net/writings/rjc.htm it is qte funny, esp since it's outdated. it's like woah retro.
anw rit that day after chem paper 3 i wanted to die coz i felt so stupid so i msged dawn and told her that i think i'm gg to join MDIS which is where all the convicts go to Unlock the Second Prison, and she read it as MINDS, making me feel even stupider.
speaking of prison right, tonight everybody watch prison break the guy's super hot and it looks v cool.
3:59 AM
omg yeah he's so hot who is he ah?
6:09 AM
12:04 AM
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