Saturday, September 24, 2005

My name spencer, from filipines, interested in purshase of your ( Zen Neeon )and i will
like you to know that my mode of payment will by a WESTERN UNION BIDPAY so
i will like to know the last asking price and the present picture including
the condition .Hoping to read from you soonest..

Sender's IP Address: (Unknown Country?) (XX)

EH whats with all the foreigners. why does he have angmoh name when he's from PHillipines. and why is his mode of payment by western union bidpay when hes not from the west. GET LOST LA. MY AD IS FOR SINGAPOREANS ONLY.

today went school to mug and was devastated to find that library not open. so i went to one of those make-out rooms along 4th level corridor to wait for char and bridget. WAHLAU IT WAS VERY HOT CAN DIE. then they came and we studied for 10 mins then we couldn't take the heat. so i went 7th floor to check if the aircon classrooms were open, AND YES ONE WAS OPEN. then on the way back i saw the ange| and the klng in the neigbouring room and they were in pe and looked super sweaty so i said to bridget who was standing outside "they look so sweaty i think they just had sex" then we packed up our stuff and started walking to the 7th floor classroom then when walking past the angeI and the k|ng again i repeated my joke to charlotte then she pointed out that pple in those rooms can hear what pple outside are saying because theres open space at the top and i DIED. no wonder a&k had a weird look on their face; either they think im siaozzzZZZzzzz or they were feeling guilty at being caught.

wow what a long post. okay that was the highlight of my day. oh the other highlight was meeting dom|n1c for the first time. I SHOULD JUST JOIN B@ND LA i have so many crushes in there.heeehee okay no la not really. ya anyway today managed to study very well cos there was no kenny glen or liching to distract. sorry kenny for telling yu to go away but yu really make me feel like pangsaiing and i hate shitting in school. i hate shitting anywhere else but my own toilet for that matter.

aiyerh can the rest of yall pls blog our blog is being taken over by wendy0_0 okay byebye darlings!


Blogger Smoker said...

hey ya :-) nice pics..some are crazy ;-) regards from germany ;-))

6:47 AM


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